Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 1

And so another blog is born into cyberspace. Hi followers. I’m hoping it’s appropriate to use a plural here and that it’s not just my mom reading. If that’s the case: hi mom. Just a note: I don’t do a lot of writing so the words might be a little rusty; I apologize if that is the case and hope your reads aren’t impaired by proof-reading eyes.

I am sitting here on the plane and I see that it is 2:05—the exact time I should have been landing at La Guardia Airport. Instead, I am in the air, probably not landing for another 2 hours. This is due to some of the many frustrations I have had today. Let’s list them:

One—my backpack is bigger than me and has a mind of it’s own; I’m sure I have taken down many small children throughout my airport journey. Make way, kids.

Two—my flight was delayed once because “it got in late last night and the pilots had not yet arrived this morning.” I am fairly certain that is code for “pilot hangover” …just a guess though.

Two—watching the middle portion of the U.S.-Slovenia game; mainly our disastrous defense against Slovenia’s second goal at the end of the first half (Donavan’s in the 2nd cheered me up quite a bit though I must say) and our ultimate second draw that I did not get to see the end of.

Three—our second take-off delay due to so-fla thunderstorms; nothing too out of the ordinary for this native, but a very big concern for the large population of (what seems like) Jersey-dwellers on this plane. My flight attendant is J. Woww’s stunt double, I’m convinced.

Four—In my efforts to get comfy while storms passed, I began to recline my chair when the monster of a woman behind me (who is currently digging her knees into my spine) quickly pushed the seat in the other direction as she stated that ‘she could not sit like that, Sweetheart.’ One snarly look from me later and I returned my seatback to its original position and have been inching it back ever since.

Other than that, I’m great! I just finished a few pages from the Lonely Planet’s Prague guide and my drink beverage, the Kefryn Block Special: Bloody Mary mix on the rocks. And I even got extra pretzels and cookies from J. Woww J

I believe that tonight is going to involve Billy Elliot and many other Don and Jorge treats in between.

On the sentimental side of things, this morning was a bit of a tearjerker. I felt very small under that backpack that I once witnessed on the back of my older sister from an even smaller place. It seems I have always felt that I have been waiting to be as old as my memories of her, and I think I may have finally reached that point. I am 9 days shy of 20 years old and I am going to Europe for 2 months. Yep, that’s what’s happening. I hope I’m ready.


  1. Yep this is your first Dad and Lindy also read it! We see you met your first ugly american! Can't wait to travel with Land, a great way to keep in touch. Luv ya.

  2. You're into the plural followers...nice start. Looking forward to our trip TOGETHER. You are a good storyteller. Have fun today with D & J! Much, much love. Dilly

  3. Lauren and I are followers...we can't wait to hear all about your amazing experiences...have fun and be safe...

  4. Ok here is follower #4!!! I am looking forward to your trip and DO think I could have fit into that packpack :-)
    Linda...but it may show up as a blockhead...

  5. Great Beginnings "Tula"....Love every word...and the photos. We will follow you with much anticipation. Always, *

  6. Oh to be a twenty year old girl headed out into the world with a backpack! Soak it all in. The only problem is, once you get started on this path, it is a hard obsession to shake. Oh well, totally worth it! xoxo -j*t

  7. Oh've got followers...can't wait til you land, land in Paris!!!

  8. This photo and sentiment are a tearjerker for me too. Never thought about it that way :) Go, do, and give us more of your characteristically unique perspectives.
    love, Kef.

  9. I'm a little late to join the bandwagon, but here i am, smiling with my imaginary ticket, ready to "take this trip with you". great start, love your "words", and can't wait to read on (...right now actually!)
    love you!
